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If you want real, hands-on, total immersion in practical drama five days a week (extending often to six or seven days when in production) for a full year, this is the experience for you. We also ensure that the comparatively modest fee students pay into this course is entirely used in financing the rich seam of work they undertake throughout their time here. Anyone making a comparative study will hopefully find the course provision, which includes the many theatre trips, a constant engagement in performance based projects, the quality of its visiting professional staff proof of our worth. We have been going for 30 years, so we must be doing something right!

Bright, lively, enthusiastic students who have something to say about theatre, life and the world they live in; those who are brave and bold and can respond to ideas and direction.

Sometimes this can be a positive thing. You bring a fresh approach and an enthusiasm to learn that more experienced candidates sometimes lack.

Though many applicants are high achievers, everyone is given the same consideration and if at interview you are right for the company, then you will be offered a place. Academic qualifications do not override personal quality.

Students are actively encouraged to hold down a part-time job. Stratford is made up of plenty of restaurants, pubs and hotels. Getting casual work is easy.

We do not have a formal qualification. The course is recognised by top universities and drama schools throughout the country and we have a vast alumni of past students working in all areas of the industry.

Well, you stand a better chance if you do apply than if you don’t!

Successful company members have gone on to read Science, History, English or even to do Medicine. As long as you are really excited by the idea of being immersed in theatre for a year, what you go on to do eventually is up to you. Your drama experience hopefully will help you develop in all sorts of ways.

One of the real aims of the year is to support group members in their quest to gain places at University or Drama School.

Let past students speak for themselves. I quote:

“My year in Stratford was the best in my life so far”. (Caroline Raudnitz)

“As time goes on you realise more and more what a fantastic opportunity it is. Nothing, not even my three years at Drama School, was so much fun or taught me so much”. (Tobias Menzies)

“The course opened up my eyes to so much more than life and work in the theatre. I learnt skills not just for performance but for life. The wealth of knowledge, friendships and contacts I made during my time in Stratford have helped me during my three years at Bristol Old Vic and are still useful today in my professional career.” (Peter Kenworthy)

The course fee is £7,750. This includes all your teaching, theatre workshops, production costs, tickets and travel for the many theatre visits that are a regular feature of the course.